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Insights for your path to service excellence

Measure automation success

Plan service shifts better

Understand your customers' needs

See at a glance how Mercury automates service requests, increases efficiency and enables cost savings.

Track the number of inquiries successfully processed by the chatbot and how often they are forwarded to human agents, and see at a glance how the chatbot creates efficiency for your customer inquiries.

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See when you can best deploy your service staff

The insights into request volumes help you to optimize the shift planning of your service teams. Get detailed insights into daily, weekly and seasonal trends and be ready when your customers need you most.

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Gain insights to optimize your chatbot

Develop your chatbot continuously - based on the findings of which questions the chatbot is asked most frequently and what the chatbot is not yet able to answer.

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Precise drill-downs: user segmentation with custom filters

The Mercury Analytics tool expands your analysis options with powerful custom filters that enable fine-grained user segmentation. Capture specific user groups based on their behavior, preferences and interactions with the chatbot.

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Powerful functions to expand your AI chatbot

GPT Question Answering

Simply give the chatbot your existing content and it will answer your customers' questions around the clock using generative AI. Based solely on your information.

Strukturierte Dialoge

Create dialog flows for a natural and targeted chat experience in process-relevant topics and for lead capture.

Escalate to Live-Chat

Automatic transfer of bot dialogs to live chat with service employees for complex requests or personal support.

Customizable Chat Widget

Fully stylable web chat that adapts to your site's context and URLs, offering a seamless and personalized user experience.

Multi-Channel Integration

One chatbot, multiple channels. Seamless interaction with customers through web widget, WhatsApp, Instagram Direct, and Messenger.

No-Code Integrationen

Integrate your chatbot with other tools without any programming knowledge. Our intuitive platform enables quick and easy setup.

Robust Data Privacy

GDPR-compliant and hosted in Germany, our platform guarantees top-tier data privacy, including consent management.

Multilingual Chatbots

Service your customers globally with chatbots that converse in multiple languages, ensuring international reach.

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Any questions that are still open are best discussed in person!

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